Intake 1: Guided Inquiry Design Institute (Online Learning)

Guided Inquiry Design Institute (Online)
8 weeks of self-directed learning developed and facilitated by Dr Leslie Maniotes.
Format: Online
Duration: 8 Weeks (24 hours of accredited professional learning)
Start Date: Monday 8th February, 2021
Accreditation: Completing this online course Guided Inquiry Design Institute (Online) will contribute 3 hours
of NESA Registered PD addressing 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 2.6.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, 3.4.2, 4.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.2 and 7.4.2 from the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
This popular three-day course is now available online. This instructional design course was developed at Rutgers University’s CISSL Summer Institutes from 2012-2020. The course is created for teacher/teacher-librarian collaborative learning teams in primary and secondary settings. A minimum of three participants from the same school should register.
The Guided Inquiry Design Institute moves teams of educators through theory and into the practice of using the Guided Inquiry Design® framework to design a unit of study for a course in any content area. Participants will complete the course with a unit ready to implement that has student led inquiry and research at the centre. Participants complete the GID Institute during one school term.
In this course, Leslie will share practical applications and tools for best practice in teaching and learning in the inquiry context. Attend with your school-based team and become leading instructional designers ready facilitate learning centred inquiry for your students in this Information Age.
Throughout this course, Dr Leslie Maniotes will:
- Provide personalised feedback on unit plans
- Facilitate complete unit design and revision process
- Provide tools for unit implementation and student success
- Provide access to Guided Inquiry Design downloadable templates (including Guided Inquiry Design icons and resources)
- Allow time for collaborative design time with your school-based team
After the completion of this course, you will be ready to implement a unique unit of study with your students.
Why Guided Inquiry Design?
The Guided Inquiry Design process is based on research and designed for deeper student learning. Research tells us that inquiry-based learning requires good instructional design. This course was created so teachers have the tools to generate and design exceptional learning experiences for their students. Based on what we know about how STUDENTS learn from information as students do their own research (Kuhlthau, 2004) your learning designs will transform inquiry learning and research for greater success for you and your students.
Knowing the research and understanding the Guided Inquiry Design phases will give you a clear path for effective unit designs and how to guide inquiry learning with your students, as well.
Dr. Leslie Maniotes is ready to guide your learning!
Who should attend?
The course is created for teacher/teacher librarian collaborative learning teams in both primary and secondary settings. As this course is designed for teams, a minimum of three participants from the same school should register. Teams ideally include your teacher librarian, subject or classroom teachers, curriculum specialists, school leaders, department heads and other support people (literacy, gifted, SPeD, technology, instructional coaches…)
This course is available exclusively for your school in scheduled cohorts. Please email for more information.
Are there any prerequsites?
A copy of the book Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in your School.
What is included?
- Two whole cohort virtual sessions with Dr Leslie Maniotes (Introduction and conclusion of course).
- Three personalised live virtual coaching sessions with your collaborative learning team and Dr Leslie Maniotestwo progress sessions during course and one review session after your unit is implemented)
- Sixteen hours of asynchronous video content developed and presented by Dr Leslie Maniotes for your team to work through, discuss and apply to your personalised unit of work.
- 8 hours of scheduled collaboration time with your team
- A complete Guided Inquiry Design companion workbook to guide your learning
- Five learning units with more than 33 lessons.
- Connections to the book Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School (all participants must have their own copy of this title)
- Provide access to Guided Inquiry Design downloadable templates (including Guided Inquiry Design icons and resources)
- Access to course content for 12 months.
I loved the course. I recommend all educators take it.
• Great resources I will visit again and again!